Frictional Games’ SOMA is a thought-provoking survival horror experience that goes far beyond traditional scares. Set in an underwater facility after humanity has faced near extinction, players step into the shoes of Simon Jarrett, who navigates a world where consciousness and artificial intelligence blur the lines of reality. As Simon unravels the mysteries of the facility, he faces horrifying creatures, but the true terror lies in the philosophical and existential dilemmas the game presents. SOMA explores themes such as the nature of consciousness, identity, and the ethical consequences of AI, making it more of a psychological experience than a simple horror game. The rich narrative and eerie atmosphere combine to create a chilling but thought-provoking journey, where players are constantly questioning what it means to be human. Unlike typical survival horrors, SOMA combines intelligent storytelling with terrifying encounters, keeping players on edge both mentally and emotionally. In order to provide the best shopping experience, we provide 24/7 online service, you can visit at any time of the day and buy what you want. We are so well stocked that you can expect to receive all of your SOMA Accounts For Sale within 5 minutes if the delivery goes well. You can also ask online customer service about the status of your order at any time, and you can also apply for a refund if there is an unexpected error in your order. 100% of your payment will be refunded to your account.