Doesn't stand an attack, and cannot wear anything other than the level of cloth armor. It's not a big fan of crowd control.

If you're someone who WoW cataclysm Gold loves helping teammates with buffing and healing and healing, then a priest's likely be the most reliable and satisfying class for you. Even though it has the ability to deal with harm, the priest's role is definitely focused on healing as the primary aspect of its skills, making it a popular choice for the dungeon group. (In fact one of the most frustrating aspects of being as a priest is dealing uninvited group invitations and random whispers from people that you do not know, especially in high-levels.)

Solo PVE Technique

Priests are able to solo, however, in the same medium-DPS highly defensive style that paladins typically work. Instead of boosting your armor and defense however, you'll make use of Power Word: Fortitude and Power Word: Shield to boost Your Stamina and make you completely impervious to damage.

This lets you instantly refresh the Shield when it is empty it, and then switch your focus back to the opponent you had your sights on prior to. Make sure to keep the original version in place so that you can use it to attack your friends however!

Once you've got a Shield in place, you are able to play around using the offensive abilities. The Shield can prevent your spells from being interrupted when it's on, and you'll be able to make use of the longer-lasting casting spells to cause more damage. Remember that you shouldn't continue to use Shield onto yourself whenever it fails it will automatically grant the Weakened Soul state effect, which will stop you from casting it again however, you can invest into an Improved Power Word: Shield ability that will cut down the duration for the status effect by a substantial amount. If you're planning to take the brunt of the damage from an opponent You can put off just a few seconds between casting Shield and then ingest combat to allow your Weakened Soul timer slow down slightly. This allows you to recast the spell during combat more quickly and you won't have be waiting around for it to end before you can cast it.

For normal mobs, a normal sequence of events could look like this, depending on your skills. Start by buffing yourself using Shield and then casting Shadow Word: Pain over your target to draw its focus. WoW cataclysm Gold for sale When it is near, apply Mind Blast and Mind Flay (if you're using the latter) until your target is able to close it. You can continue using offensive spells as long as you have a shield. Shield is up, and begin to use your weapon to strike the death blow, and reapplying Shadow Word: Pain when it is dropped. If the mob begins to speed up, you can apply Mind Flay to slow it down, and deal some damage in addition. You should be in the habit of using Renew to yourself (perhaps by using a macro similar to the one in the above) so that you continuously recover your health during battles. Be cautious when applying Psychic Scream, unless it is an emergency option, since the mob is likely to draw the attention of mobs nearby and drag them into your area.